Posts tagged "character analysis"

Let’s Talk About Supergirl’s Lyra Strayd

With all that’s been happening on Supergirl recently, small scenarios and interactions can quickly get lost in the shuffle. The dominance of one particular character especially has taken focus away from minor characters. One such character I think has gotten overlooked is Winn’s new girlfriend, Lyra Strayd. And that’s who I want to talk about, because I (and one of my friends) get some fascinating subtext from her character that no one else is talking about.

Who is Lyra Strayd?

What do we know about her? Lyra (played by Tamzin Merchant) is an alien from Starhaven, a planet with connections to the Anasazi culture in the post-Crisis comics. They also have wings and can survive in space without oxygen in the comics (due to genetic engineering), though none of these aspects seem to have made it into the Supergirl adaptation. Not that this lack of tie in to the comics is entirely new for the show, given that Alex doesn’t exist in the comics nor are Kara’s parents scientists and engineers. Just because something doesn’t make it from comic to screen doesn’t mean it’s an intentional slight. Supergirl the show ≠ the comics in more ways than it actually resembles them. Anyway, Lyra as we see her on screen has escaped a planetary crises on Starhaven and found a home as a refugee on Earth. She’s skilled in hand-to-hand combat, forthright in her sexual and romantic preferences, not at all ashamed to take the lead in a relationship, and also a huge nerd. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="418"] I love these two as a couple just for this joke. But also, they're adorable.[/caption] All that’s pretty clear just from her on screen presence.

Supergirl’s Martian Healing Arc

“Buried beneath the page long Tumblr rants and angry tweets over the current ship war, one will find a small but devoted group of fans gushing over the recent Martian…

Will The Real James Olsen Please Come Back

Or, Why The Guardian Leaves Me Cold. And Frustrated.

When the news first leaked that James Olsen would be taking up a superhero mantle, I was excited. There was so much narrative potential. Kara and James teaming up as a way to work through any lingering frustration over the breakup, or a renewed kindling of their relationship seemed likely trajectories. That and James getting a chance to be more than a sidekick while also keeping his day job at CatCo. He and Kara could talk about work-life balance; they would use their superhero identities to fight crime both the streets and in the media. Epic Team Up. A literal Super-Power(ed) Couple. I was so ready. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="186"] Pictured: me right now.[/caption] But what we got paled in comparison to my expectations. James hid his identity from the one person who might understand. He lies to her face and roped in one of her best friends to aid him. He is more concerned with his own ego than using his new job at CatCo for good. And somehow we're supposed to be cheering for him. At least I think we are. But why?

Breaking Ranks

Breaking Ranks and the Cycle of Violence

Another Fandom Following article for you all, this time a character analysis of M’gann M’orzz from Supergirl and Finn from Star Wars, two characters who break ranks with their militaristic society to…